Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sock Sleeping

So... I have not blogged all week because I have been sick. No, I did not have the swine flu. I had another virus but itwas gross and I pretty much stayed in bed all week. I do not like to use my lap top in bed so I have not been on the computer much. I am very picky about where I will and will not use my lap top. Anyways, when I was in bed this week I realized something that people seem to have a firm stance on while they are in bed and that is socks. I ALWAYS sleep in socks. Yes, even in the summer. I actually leave socks on most of the time even when I am not in bed. I cannot sleep without socks. Ok, so I could and I have a very limited number of times but I would prefer not to. I like sleeping in socks because no matter how warm it is ocne I fall asleep my feet always seem to be cold. I also like socks if I am sleeping next to another person. I do not want their feet skin to touch me and I do not want my feet skin to touch them. I also like to tuck my pajama pants in my socks when I am sleeping. This way the legs of my pants stay down and do not bunch up while I am sleeping. For some reason some people cannot stand sleeping in socks. My oldest brother, who thinks this blog is a joke, as well as my sister -in- law ,who is a follower can't stand it. They do not know what they are missing. Strangely enough their children do not like socks either. Is sock preferance hereditary? I would say so. I love sleeping in socks and I prefer anyone who is going to have their feet near me to wear socks.
As a side note... in the winter when my hands get dry I even sleep with socks on my hands. I put vaseline on my hands and then socks. My grandma made me do it once when I was little. It rocks the socks off. Clever huh?

Friday, October 16, 2009

2 rank scents don't make a right

So...I have discovered something else I do not like. My list is getting longer and longer. I guess I have not liked this for a while but last night I was reassured I do not like it at all. I do not like air fresheners. The aerosol ones. Well, really any of them I guess. Last night I was at a certain followers house and I complained of a funny smell. To be honest, it was a bad smell. They attempted to spray the air freshener but I quickly suggested they not do so. I feel like when that stuff is used it just minimizes the bad smell for a short while. It is so strong that it gets in my lungs and I feel like I'm eating it. Then after a few minutes it just smells like the duller version of the original bad smell with another dull smell of the spray. People always leave those sprays in the bathroom. It makes me laugh when people use them after going to the restroom because we all know what you did when we walk in the bathroom and it smells like a Christmas tree. (that's a common scent that I do not like)I feel like opening a window is a better solution. Fresh air if you will. Or you can light candles. They are not usually as strong. I must admit I do febreeze my furniture about once a week. It is not a Strong scent and it is cleaning as well. I usually spray when I am not going to be sitting on the couch for a while. This way I can leave the room and open the windows. I also do not sit on the couch for a while after that because then my clothes smell like Febreeze which is not a "clothes smell." Air fresheners are nothing to me.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Don't mess with my food... even if your name IS Peter Pan

So...After eating sauerkraut all weekend I thought it would be appropriate to discuss food. I love everything about food and I will admit I eat unhealthy foods most of the time. Some people think that all of the off brand foods or certain store brand foods are just as good as the name brand foods. This is true for some foods, ( some being used to describe a very small amount of foods) but definitely not all foods. Canned veggies, the same no matter what the brand. I mean you can't really mess up veggies. You pick them and throw them in some water. Which brings up a good point: water. I like bottled water and I am picky about what I drink but as far as bottled water goes I think it all comes from the same place. I find it fitting to bring up a great point about water. Those of you who live in the Dayton area are familiar with Dorothy Lane Market. It is a pricey grocery store for those of you who have not been. My deep blogging boyfriend insisted on buying a bottle of water from there once that cost somewhere between 2 and 3 dollars. I was appalled. It was just water in a fancy bottle. Anyways, when we got home I gave him Dayton City water from UD campus housing and the water from the bottle because he was sure he would be able to tell the difference. I'll have you know he chose the Dayton water. I rest my case on bottled water. However, there are some things that the name brand is the ways to go. JIF peanut butter can't be beat. What does peter pan have to do with peanut butter anyways? It does not hold a candle to JIF. Once when I was at a pampered chef party the lady told us that off brand grated cheese has saw dust in it. That may be a bit extreme, but I do find the Kraft pre packacged cheeses to taste way better than the off brand. I am also not a huge fan of the off brand of any Pillsbury item. I have this yummy recipe (from one of my followers) for chicken pot pie. It calls for two pie crusts. The last time we made it my mom tried to be sneaky and get the off brand. I questioned her after my first bite. My senses are no laughing matter. I can taste anything and I have the nose of a nine month pregnant woman at all times. Now, if some of you like off brands I am glad. They are definitely cheaper, and like I said, for SOME things it is ok. I just think that food is something not to be messed with and it is up for each person to try these items and see for themselves. For those of you who would like to challenge me on this I would do a taste test any day.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do you kiss you mom on the lips and not know it?

So... I am not only picky when it comes to food but I am a self proclaimed germophobe.(ABC check is saying this word is spelled wrong.. oh well.) One thing that grosses me out beyond belief is toothbrush holders. I know you are thinking how cute your matching tooth brush holder looks sitting on your bathroom sink but after you read this I hope you get rid of it! First of all, your toothbrush has so many germs to begin with. When you place it in the slot of a toothbrush holder the water from your brush runs down your brush and into the holder. This holder then is covered in toothbrush water and the water stays there. Now, I'm guessing a person does not have a toothbrush holder for one tooth brush. There are usually many toothbrushes in one holder which means all the water from all those other brushes is on the holder as well. When the toothbrushes are in the holder the always seem to tilt toward the center and no matter how hard you try your toothbrush ends up bumping the brush of another human being. This means that your toothbrush now has the germs from the remaining water, and has touched another person's brush that had remaining water on it the next time you put yours in your mouth. Another point is that say someone is washing their hands after the go to the bathroom and they drip water from their hands on your brush. Special right?I do not have a toothbrush holder. I have a hanging make up bag in my bathroom that has entire section designated as the mouth section. It contains ONLY MY toothbrush, MY toothpaste, and MY retainer. This way my toothbrush touches nothing other than the things that go in my mouth! I also suggest drying your toothbrush off after each use. Now where does the kissing your mom come in? Well allow me to tell you. In my opinion whoever it is you share a toothbrush holder with you are kissing them on the daily. Actually it's grosser than kissing them. So, if you happen to share with your mom you should just kiss her on the mouth. Which brings up another point that is necessary to touch on. Some of you kiss your children and or parents on the mouth. ( you know who you are)I love my baby but we do not kiss on the lips. I feel so awkward. I mean I kiss her on her cheek close to her mouth but lip kisses are not for kids/parents. If you do kiss your children or parents on the lips that's ok.... just please do not share a toothbrush holder.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Foods... to eat or not to eat

So... I never thought I was a picky eater until I got a little older and started meeting new people. I realized that there are so many foods that I do not eat.just today I had lunch with three people and two of them were eating things I did not like. Along with being somewhat picky I DO NOT eat leftovers. Last night for dinner I made this chicken dish, and there was some left over. I feel terrible throwing food away but why save something I know I am not going to eat? No worries, last night the deep blogging boyfriend was over and he eats anything so he took the leftovers. I cannot stand anything about leftovers. Take mashed potatoes for example, so good! Leftover in the microwave: NASTY. I know there are other ways to heat food up that might make it taste better but please do not suggest that to me. I have tried it and I still do not like them. Nothing that is hot tastes exactly the same if you reheat it. My mom (she's the best mom ever) BUT she saves all of our food and eats it until it's gone. I mean I guess she's a better person than I am but I just cannot bring myself to do it. On top of not liking the food leftover, I hate doing left over dishes. They sit in your fridge until someone eats it or it gets gross before someone gets to it and you end up having to throw it away and wash the container. Those dishes are the worst. They smell and you have to get the old food out. No thanks. My mom told me that she thinks when I start buying my own groceries and making food at my own house I will not throw things away as much. Sorry mom, not the case. I bought all the things to make the meal last night. I had no problem throwing the extars out that we did not save. I can't do it. I guess when I move out I will have to take my leftovers to my mom. I realize that some people are huge fans of leftovers. If you would like to come and pick up my leftovers when I make too much food let me know. I do not like left overs food and I am not afraid to admit that.


Monday, October 5, 2009

So... I would first like to thank my 5 followers! So many people are hating on my blog and they are going to be sorry. Yesterday I went on a hayride and as I sat on the wagon in my jeans I thought about how many times it is acceptable to wear the same pair of jeans before washing them. I then realized that the places you go in the jeans directly effects the number of wears. You see if you wear your jeans one day and you go in YOUR car and do errands and do not sit down anywhere other than your car it's safe to wear them another day. If you wear your jeans one day and do not leave YOUR home you may also wear them another day. If you think about it you already touch everything in your car and home on the daily. However, if you wear your jeans and sit on anything out in public you must wash them before wearing them again. This includes but is not limited to: Movie theaters, bus seats, seats in any school(so many people sit there!) the airport or any aircraft(gross) another person's car( I guess you could use your own judgement on that one. You know your friends) and as I realized yesterday, Hayrides. People and animals are on those! Another interesting thing happened at the fruit farm yesterday. There was a lady selling honey in a small booth. The honey was all pre-packaged and in different containers. There were bees everywhere! Now, before you laugh. you would have thought the same thing if you could have seen it. There were not just a few bees there were TONS of bees. I asked (yes out loud and got made fun of) how the bees knew that honey was there? I mean that lady brought it there and it was packaged. I thought it was interesting. Bees make honey which I had forgotten, but still they did not make that honey and they still found it. Tricky right?

I have now blogged three times in less than 24 hours!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


So... When I decided I was going to enter the blogging world I told myslef I was only going to get on and blog once a week. I felt like I was so busy and let's face it everything is on facebook anyways. However, my first blog was posted this morning and here I am. Yes, I know that is more than once a week. There are just a few things that cannot wait until next week to be discussed. The first things is that when I began discussing blogging with a few friends they all encouaged it and assured me that they would follow my blog and post comments. Well there were three women who agreed to that and I have one follower who is not either of thos three women. Thank you to my one follower. I would follow you but to be honest I have no idea how to do that. Which brings me to my next point. I must admit that after writing my first post on here I had no idea how to inform people it was here for them to read. I felt as though I had spent about 20 minutes typing and it had gone to waste. It was like my thoughts were on the world wide web just lost. (My mouse just died and I cannot scoroll.... I am going to get more batteries. I hate it when that happens) OK... fixed. I should keep batteries in the same place all the time. I am always looking for them. But anyways I did not have the slightest clue on how to get the word out about this blog. So my deep thinkging boyfriend posted the link on facebook. Like I mentioned before, everything is on there. Since posting that link I have recieved 3 comments on facebook and gotten 3 text messages about what I wrote. One of which questioned if I had even done this blog myself. I would appriciate it if those of you that are taking the time to read this would atleast become followers so that I kow you read it. It makes me feel better and I also have a goal of 20 followers by the end of the month. Some doubt this goal but I have faith. I will continue to blog and I figure heck, people are taking time to pretend they are farmers on facebook certainly they can take time to read this. So... if you just read this blog please make yourself known. I am now going to post this link on as many places on facebook as possible.


So... this is my first blog

So.... This is my first blog. I am not even sure if the word blog can be used that way or if the correct word choice would have been "my first time blogging." Either way it is my first time and making mistakes is something the people who read this blog must get used to. My blogs will have many mistakes and many words spelled wrong I assure you. That's ok though because a smart woman explained the blogging world to me and told me there are 2 kinds of blogs: deep blogs and not so deep blogs or dumb blogs if that makes you feel better to call them that. I am not dumb BUT I do say many dumb things. I have actually decided that many people probably wonder some of the same things I do and have the same questions they just don't say them out loud and have the courage to admit they don't know things. I have no problem with it. I have this great boyfriend and if he blogged it would be deep stuff. He's way deep and talks about smart things so I have him for that part of my life. NOt that I have anything deep to say but he teaches em things. I have decided I teach him things as well though. I keep him on his toes if you will. If he blogged he would have a "deep" blog. Reminder: this is not a deep blog. I have heard many people refer to their blogs and seen people get way into blogging in the movies and I have always thought What would I blog about? I have decided that I am going to blog about things that I either do not like and others may not either or things that I have learned that many others might not know either but are too afraid to ask. In a sense I am doing the "dumb bloggers" a favor by asking questions and bringing up points they think about.

So....(this is how I will start all my blogs btw) One thing that I DO NOT like is using Home ketchup with fast food. Home ketchup is clearly ketchup from your home. Sometimes I drive through and bring my food home. If they do not give me those ketchup packets I DO NOT USE home ketchup. It is not the same and it makes the cheap greasy food that I purchased taste completely different. Those ketchup packets have something else in them I know it. Yes, I know ketchup from the fast food places is usually room temp and home ketchup is cold but NO, that is not the problem. Trust me, I have tried setting my ketchup out of the fridge and it is still not the same thing. So the lesson learned here is, Every time you eat at a fast food place grab a few extra ketchup packets. This way you will always have the perfect ketchup for your meals. Go ahead and keep that home ketchup but don't use it with your fast food.

Now I don't know if I like sign my name at the end of my blog or put the word sincerely or remind people to have a good day so I have decided to use my initials... clever right?