Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do you kiss you mom on the lips and not know it?

So... I am not only picky when it comes to food but I am a self proclaimed germophobe.(ABC check is saying this word is spelled wrong.. oh well.) One thing that grosses me out beyond belief is toothbrush holders. I know you are thinking how cute your matching tooth brush holder looks sitting on your bathroom sink but after you read this I hope you get rid of it! First of all, your toothbrush has so many germs to begin with. When you place it in the slot of a toothbrush holder the water from your brush runs down your brush and into the holder. This holder then is covered in toothbrush water and the water stays there. Now, I'm guessing a person does not have a toothbrush holder for one tooth brush. There are usually many toothbrushes in one holder which means all the water from all those other brushes is on the holder as well. When the toothbrushes are in the holder the always seem to tilt toward the center and no matter how hard you try your toothbrush ends up bumping the brush of another human being. This means that your toothbrush now has the germs from the remaining water, and has touched another person's brush that had remaining water on it the next time you put yours in your mouth. Another point is that say someone is washing their hands after the go to the bathroom and they drip water from their hands on your brush. Special right?I do not have a toothbrush holder. I have a hanging make up bag in my bathroom that has entire section designated as the mouth section. It contains ONLY MY toothbrush, MY toothpaste, and MY retainer. This way my toothbrush touches nothing other than the things that go in my mouth! I also suggest drying your toothbrush off after each use. Now where does the kissing your mom come in? Well allow me to tell you. In my opinion whoever it is you share a toothbrush holder with you are kissing them on the daily. Actually it's grosser than kissing them. So, if you happen to share with your mom you should just kiss her on the mouth. Which brings up another point that is necessary to touch on. Some of you kiss your children and or parents on the mouth. ( you know who you are)I love my baby but we do not kiss on the lips. I feel so awkward. I mean I kiss her on her cheek close to her mouth but lip kisses are not for kids/parents. If you do kiss your children or parents on the lips that's ok.... just please do not share a toothbrush holder.



  1. HAHA. First of all I COMPLETELY agree with the fact that toothbrushes should not be left on the counter. #1 because, for the reasons you described, but #2, and my personal favorite, is that when you flush your toilet, that mist travels up to 6 feet, therefore landing on your toothbrush. So, not only do you have toothpaste water on your toothbrush, you now have added urine and fecal matter (that could be yours or not, either way being completely gross). Because of this, I too am a "germaphobe" (not correctly spelled because it is not an actual word) and I keep my toothbrush in a separate holder with my toothpaste in my room.

  2. HAHA... I'm so glad you shared the fecal matter part. Good job keeping it in your room

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The title of this entry? Brilliant. How can you not want to read it after that title?!

  5. I am a lip the real sense of the phrase- not the toothbrush kind......Janelle you are funny!

  6. Just so you know, the dirtiest part about your bathroom is flushing the toilet with the seat cover up. The spiral action causes lovely toilet water to go airborn in microscopic droplets... and land on your toothbrush. Just another reason why the bathroom is actually the dirtiest place in your house... (you also have a higher risk of getting E Coli while in the bathroom, so watch out).

  7. I was at Target yesterday and thought of you. I saw a toothbrush sanitizer. It sits on your counter, holds up to four toothbrushes (each in its own, separate compartment) which you insert top down, and sanitizes them. It removes 99.9% of the germs! Even if you are keeping your toothbrush separate now, those mouth germs are just sitting there breeding, mulitplying, and then going back into your mouth! You need a sanitizer!

  8. OH I am going to get one of those! thanks meghan!
