Sunday, October 4, 2009


So... When I decided I was going to enter the blogging world I told myslef I was only going to get on and blog once a week. I felt like I was so busy and let's face it everything is on facebook anyways. However, my first blog was posted this morning and here I am. Yes, I know that is more than once a week. There are just a few things that cannot wait until next week to be discussed. The first things is that when I began discussing blogging with a few friends they all encouaged it and assured me that they would follow my blog and post comments. Well there were three women who agreed to that and I have one follower who is not either of thos three women. Thank you to my one follower. I would follow you but to be honest I have no idea how to do that. Which brings me to my next point. I must admit that after writing my first post on here I had no idea how to inform people it was here for them to read. I felt as though I had spent about 20 minutes typing and it had gone to waste. It was like my thoughts were on the world wide web just lost. (My mouse just died and I cannot scoroll.... I am going to get more batteries. I hate it when that happens) OK... fixed. I should keep batteries in the same place all the time. I am always looking for them. But anyways I did not have the slightest clue on how to get the word out about this blog. So my deep thinkging boyfriend posted the link on facebook. Like I mentioned before, everything is on there. Since posting that link I have recieved 3 comments on facebook and gotten 3 text messages about what I wrote. One of which questioned if I had even done this blog myself. I would appriciate it if those of you that are taking the time to read this would atleast become followers so that I kow you read it. It makes me feel better and I also have a goal of 20 followers by the end of the month. Some doubt this goal but I have faith. I will continue to blog and I figure heck, people are taking time to pretend they are farmers on facebook certainly they can take time to read this. So... if you just read this blog please make yourself known. I am now going to post this link on as many places on facebook as possible.



  1. Wa, I would love to read this, but I am very busy... I need to go out in the fields and harvest the internet-corn out of my pretend fields.

  2. I will read your blog as much as humanly possible. Also, now that I know this is you and not some virus trying to take over my computer, I will become your follower. I'm sorry I wasn't your follower before... it didn't sound like you and I thought, "Janelle. Blogging? About ketchup?! NO WAY!" ;) But from now on I will be your biggest fan!! Miss youuuuuu

  3. I'm sure you ar busy with that Hugh. I think that is one of the craziest things on fbook. Thanks for reading! Lauren, I understand your initial doubts and I love you too! keep reading!

  4. I am a follower so shut up! Janelle is my leader!

  5. OK, so, Janelle, I was an undercover follower--I just hadn't taken the time yet to sign up for a Google account. But, after reading this blog, I certainly got the hint!!!!! LOL :) I'm official now.

  6. Thanks for making youself known Lisa! Keep reading

  7. Janelle, I noticed that this blog entry does not have a tag. In order to gain brownie points, may I suggest the phrase "deep-thinking boyfriend"?

  8. Great idea! I will do that and I want to read some of your blogs. As you know, I am new at this. So how can I read them? I tried clicking on your name and info on my page but was not successful. Thanks!
